Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 - (Undead) Armored Pegasus

Greetings all, it's been a long time since I posted here. I've been keeping quite busy with my recent trip to SIGGRAPH and all. I've so much to tell about the trip, but that will have to wait for another post.

Tonight I have an update on the Armored Pegasus that I owe my friend Dave. Here is the latest. I believe all I have left to do on the actual horse is to clean up the hooves and then some minor smoothing here and there. After that I will be moving on to the wings and the armor.

As always any comments, ideas, or suggestions are most welcome.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

22 - Bookstore Update

Another long night of hard work and I have the bookstore nearly complete.  I have 1 book left to make yet and some book ends to place around but everything else is built.  Next up (after the book and bookends) is clean up and then we wait for approval and/or tweaks. :)  This has been a fun build.  I can't wait to see it in game!





Friday, May 27, 2011

21 - Bookstore

For my new assignment from Imagineer I am creating a bookstore.  After a few hours of work I have most of the room complete with only a few tweaks to make.  I need to tweak the arches and the size of the large center bookshelf.  It is about 90% of the way there but it needs to be balanced based upon the surrounding elements.

At the end of the first day here is what we have:


WIP 1:

WIP 2 (about an hour later):


Saturday, May 21, 2011

20 - Mansion Interior

Greetings all once again.  I know it has been a huge jump but I have been super busy so here is the latest.

My newest assignment for Imagineer was to create the Mansion Interior scene.  This one proved difficult as I had to get a lot of detail in and my budget was tight.  I was able to get everything done as well as create some additional assets that may be reused later in the game.  Below is the original concept art and my final render of the scene.  Note: we discussed the drastic difference that was bound to occur with the extreme perspective in the concept.  I have adjusted it accordingly and with his approval.



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

19 - Mansion Almost Complete!

Update on the Mansion Exterior scene.  I have completed just about everything for this scene.  All that is missing are the alpha planes for the grass.  Current poly count is approx. 3800 /4000.  I spoke with the lead over at ImaginnerGames and he said that he will handle the alpha planes since he will be texturing them as well.  So other than any tweaks they may have for me I'm about ready to call this one done! :)

Below are two renders, the first is with every object in the scene (including the alpha plane backgrounds which will be removed/edited) and the second is with the backgrounds and gate hidden so you can see the house better.

C&C are always welcome.  Enjoy!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

18 - Mansion Update: Now With Building(s)!

Greetings all.  I've been hard at work on the Mansion Exterior.  Since last time I have reduced the poly count for the walls and the ground plane as well as added the alpha planes for the gates.  Now I present to you the first pass on the Mansion itself.  I have added several edges to allow the building(s) to bend as shown in the concept drawing as well as deleted any faces not seen by the camera angle.  Let me know what you think!


Monday, May 2, 2011

17 - Mansion Exterior: Now With Walls!

I have added the walls that line the fence outside the Mansion.  Still to add: Alpha planes for the iron bars, Alpha planes for the grass and flowers.


Mansion Exterior (WIP):


Sunday, May 1, 2011

16 - ImagineerGames: Mansion Exterior: Dolls Sneak Peak

Ok, so they aren't final yet but here is a sneak peak at the Dolls (modeled, rigged, posed, and set to the right camera angle).


Friday, April 29, 2011

15 - ImagineerGames: Mansion Exterior

New ImagineerGames client work to share!  This time I am creating the Mansion Exterior.

Concept Art:

So I've broken it down by section starting with the Dolls that are posed on either side of the main gate.  First order of business is to tackle the most complex parts so we begin with the Dolls.

Below is the first pass for the Dolls, including a Head sheet showing the Base Head and the Damaged Head (seen on Doll_RightSide).


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

13 - Keeper Staff (High Poly) Complete

The High Poly pass for the Keeper's Staff is now complete.  The following images show the staff as a whole, a bottom element close up, and a top element close up.


Monday, April 18, 2011

12 - Keeper Staff: Scroll High Poly

Here is the result of the High Poly pass for the Scrolls in the Keeper's Staff.  Feedback is appreciated.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

11 - Keeper Staff Update

I've been hard at work on the Keeper's Staff.  The top consists of scrolls with their parchment bent in curves briefly representing a Poseidon like stature.

Let me know what you think.


Friday, April 15, 2011

10 - Don't Call It A Comeback, Cause I Never Left

Latest with the DWV character "The Keeper"  Enjoy.

The Keeper has a library built into his one arm
 Here is the Library Arm with low poly block out
 A stone floor for the second level of the Library arm
 Ionic Columns
 Ionic Column testing a column array


Thursday, March 24, 2011

9 - Keeper WIP (5)

Tonight's progress: Model sheet (started), staff concepts (started)  C&C are welcome.  Thank you!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

8 - Armed and Dangerous

Just finished a page full of arm possibilities for you folks.  Please let me know which ones you like best.  Thank you!


Monday, March 21, 2011

7 - Finally Getting Somewhere

I've finally got a good shape going.  Here is the latest for the Keeper.  I've included the body shape as well as some rough sketches for the robe/toga and his scroll staff.

C&C are most welcome.  Thank you!


Friday, March 18, 2011

6 - More Ideas

Still not finding a design that I love.  Here are a few more ideas in a different direction.  C&C are welcome.

5 - DWV Thumbnails Round 2

Moving forward with the design I am attempting to create a "lumbering giant" of sorts.  Here are the latest thumbnails.  Please give me some feedback on which are your favorites.  (1-12) (far right S1-S3)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

4 - Thumbnails, Round 1

Here are the results of about an hour total of thumbnail sketching.  The idea at this phase is to get an interesting shape that can be taken and elaborated into a more concise character.  Even after a thumbnail is refined that is taking further and details such as muscles, clothing, armor, and so forth are drawn over top of it.

For tonight I ran with the idea of the Keeper, an ancient deity that protects all knowledge throughout time.  At the end of all things he/she/it returns to mankind, selects the most worthy, and presents them with the knowledge needed to start anew.

The idea I had was that the Keeper is a massive golem the size of a mountain and on his hand/arm would be a stairway or some sort of entrance to a library.  The chosen worthy would ascend into the Keeper to gain the knowledge necessary to save their species.

Please leave comments and let me know what you think of the following:


3 - The War Horn Has Sounded, The Gods Shall Answer!

Dominance War V has officially launched!  This being the last of the Dom War series the theme this year is The Rise of the Gods.  See below for the full brief and rules:

"Immortality! We strive for it, we long for it, we fight for it. For as long as we can remember, we have even died for it. But what is immortality?We have always believed that our goals, our beliefs and our ideals, when forced on others through Victory of War - had ever, lasting, meaning. Because in being remembered, we ourselves became gods. But we were wrong... After centuries of war - they finally came. To guide us? To punish us? To destroy us!? We do not know. But what we do know is that the results of this immortal war, will shape the universe forever more.

Come, join us, for a final chapter in the legendary series, Dominance War V... The Rise of GODS."

Create a powerful GOD that shall defeat all other gods and determine the future of the universe forever more!! Your God must symbolize one exceptional trait - God of War, God of Machines, God of Peace, Demonic God of Chaos, God of Torment, God of Love, God of Mercy, God of Swords, etc. The design and style of your GOD can be made in any fashion, except cartoons. Here are examples of what NOT to do - [links removed...two images of sunday paper style cartoons], etc. Additionally, NO real/known gods (Allah, Brahman, Elohim, Jesus Christ, Waheguru, etc) or current fantasy gods (from Dungeons & Dragons, etc) can be used for this challenge. You must invent a God from scratch and from your imagination. Show us why your GOD is THEE GOD of ALL!! The time period for this challenge is set in the utterly destroyed and distant future.

World standings await the best designed GOD! Be it for fun, for practice or to show the world your skills, Good luck to all those brave enough to enter!

12500 triangles
1x 2048² Texture set

 All textures must be original and hand painted
 Renders must be in some sort of 3d Engine (i.e Unity, DXStudio, Marmoset Toolbag, etc..)

Where you come in
Please visit my blog regularly as I will be updating near daily with progress.  I will post polls, ideas, sketches, and all work in progress (WIP) images of the model as it is created.  I will do my best to explain each step of the 3d process to both illustrate to the 3d community and prospective employers that I know what I'm talking about, and to you my non-3d friends and family so that you can follow along and help me to critique each phase of the build process.

Edit: Please vote in the poll on the right hand side for your favorite god/goddess idea! Thank you!

I deeply value and appreciate your feedback and your support during this intense competition.


Monday, March 14, 2011

2 - Still Waiting

It appears that Dom War has been delayed. For how long we have not been told.  I'll be posting some WIPs (Work In Progress) of my latest work later this week,


Monday, March 7, 2011

1 - All Set Up and Ready to Dominate

Greetings all to my 3D Modeling blog.  Tomorrow begins the 5th Annual Dominance War and I am ready to compete!  Please join me in the contest of epic proportions.  I will be updating this blog with my Dom War progress as well as any any all artwork I create.  Feel free to leave any constructive comments and critiques.
