Wednesday, March 16, 2011

4 - Thumbnails, Round 1

Here are the results of about an hour total of thumbnail sketching.  The idea at this phase is to get an interesting shape that can be taken and elaborated into a more concise character.  Even after a thumbnail is refined that is taking further and details such as muscles, clothing, armor, and so forth are drawn over top of it.

For tonight I ran with the idea of the Keeper, an ancient deity that protects all knowledge throughout time.  At the end of all things he/she/it returns to mankind, selects the most worthy, and presents them with the knowledge needed to start anew.

The idea I had was that the Keeper is a massive golem the size of a mountain and on his hand/arm would be a stairway or some sort of entrance to a library.  The chosen worthy would ascend into the Keeper to gain the knowledge necessary to save their species.

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