Monday, March 5, 2012

35 - The Graveyard: Finished!

Greetings all!

It's done! The Graveyard was a really fun model to build. I was fortunate that the lead sent me a really detailed blockout that helped to get the major forms flushed in quickly.

Surprisingly the candles were pretty easy to make and looked fantastic, but I had to reduce their poly count for the final. I may take the model I did for their base and "finish" it by making a highpoly sculpt and baking out some maps for it; just because I was proud of how easily I broke down a complex shape into a simple approach. :)

In the scene you can see a door that leads down into a mausoleum. Interestingly enough that mausoleum is my next assignment. Look for a post about that soon.

All in all I had a great time as usual creating these models for ImagineerGames and I look forward to continuing to do so.

As always your feedback is welcome.

Thanks for your support!


GraveYard concept:

GraveYard Final:

P.S. The small polygons sticking up or hanging off of things are alpha cards for later texturing.


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