Monday, March 5, 2012

36 - The Mausoleum

Greetings all!

You get a double post today since I was away visiting family on Sunday. :)

Next up is the mausoleum. The player is faced with a strange tomb of unknown origins and technology in this dark underground passage.

This scene will be complex but fun. So far I have most of the major forms blocked in and a lot of details going already. A good deal of the geometry you see here in the WIP came in the blockout but everything needed to be reduced heavily in order to fit the budget. What I am calling the "Device" on the back wall there is very interesting.

To do for this model:

- 2 relief stones (see concept)

- overhead wires

- break symmetry on floor wires

- final cleanup and smoothing

Please enjoy the WIP render.

As always your feedback is welcome.

Thanks very much


Mausoluem concept:

Mausoleum WIP:


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