Thursday, April 26, 2012

38 - GraveYard Gate

Greetings all! I apologize for the delay but I have been rather busy with real life stuff and sadly there hasn't been time to post an update. I have some new Imagineer art for you today to make up for it! :) My newest assignment is the GraveYard Gate. This is the entrance scene to the GraveYard that I've already completed.

Concept art:

As you can see there is a lot of detail in this scene! I've got the detailed wrought-iron gate, the stone walls, the massive door with complex mechanics, and the ghoul statues to either side. It's going to be tough to meet the budget this time as there are many moving parts. What you will not see in the render I have for you is the tree that I have been working on. Low poly trees are quite difficult as there is a balance between the right amount of geometry to get the shape and too much geometry spent on that shape, thus pushing the budget. At the moment I have most of the scene, percentage wise, complete. All that remains are primarily the trees and the ghouls (as you will see in the image) Speaking of the image please see below and enjoy! The objects in the blue-ish semi-transparent material are all of my "block out" meshes. These are temporary objects designed to take up the approximate size and shape of the object that will eventually be there. This helps me to determine how large other things are in relation to one another.

Current WIP:

Lastly you may notice that the camera angle and distance does not match the concept perfectly and to be honest it never will, but that's ok. The concept artist has the ability to draw in such a way that the "physical" model can never achieve the exact proportions and camera distance shown. There will always be a little bit of creative license involved. :) I have accounted for this by extending the set a bit further than the camera can currently see in order to give the lead some wiggle room in his placement of the camera's final position.

I hope you've enjoyed and I thank you very much for watching. As always your feedback is encourage and appreciated.


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