Wednesday, April 11, 2012

37 - Back to Work!

Greetings all!

After a short break I am back at it again. A lot has happened so let me try and catch you up to speed quickly.

First we had a family vacation to a cabin in the mountains to celebrate my parent's 31st wedding anniversary (Congratulations again!). The cabin was amazing! We went hiking to the nearby water falls, ventured into the woods a bit, and visited the local small town. Nothing like a great family vacation to recharge and relax. There was much laughter, fun, and boardgames!

Next sadly we had a close family friend pass and we were all hit pretty hard by it. I'd like to wish his family well and offer my prayers and thoughts.

Then after returning home and trying to get back into the swing of things my wife and I had some very expensive sudden home repairs needed. Now my back and my wallet are hurting. :(

But there is good news, I'm back to work!

I have received my next assignment from ImaginnerGames and will be posting about that very soon. This will be the last scene for me to model related to Episode 1. Very exciting but a little sad too. I've had great fun with Imaginner and we will continue to work together, I just have to be patient and wait for my next batch after this. :)

In the meantime I have a few other projects spinning up that you will see on here and my site soon.

My work for Gioz the Defender is coming along well. I will have an update to that soon as well.

Lastly I have a very exciting mini-series that I will be posting about the things I learn, study, and do, relative to 3d. I am calling this series the "Polygon Pilgrimage" as it is my never ending quest to sharpen my skills, obtain all the knowledge I can, and ultimately grow as an artist.

You can follow my progress here on my blog, on my website ( or on Twitter at @PolygonPilgrim.

I look forward to bringing you more awesome 3d art very soon!

Check out my site at, let me know what you think.

Thanks very much for your time. See you again soon.


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