Friday, January 27, 2012

28 - Gioz the Defender: Tower Defense

Greetings all!

I have been contacted to assist with a tower defense game being developed for most mobile and tablet platforms.

The game is called Gioz: The Defender. During the tower defense style action you take control of Gioz and are able to assist the towers in fending off the Creeps; an endless wave of evil minions.

My first task is to create the 10 different forms of Creeps. For this task I was requested to develop Creeps of 3 different sizes: Small (.5 units), Medium (1 unit), and Large (1.25 units).

To begin I gathered as much information and reference from the client as I could on what style he was looking for and from there I built up a proportion sheet. Next I created a base character mesh from which the other proportions would be sourced.

During the process I generated an even larger still Creep to use as reference and any possible boss Creeps.

From this Boss Creep mesh I tweaked, pushed, pulled, and smoothed my way to victory; 3 different proportioned meshes, all from the same source, and all with the same vert count and uvs.

This should make the animator's job a lot easier.

See below for all 4 of the base meshes:

My next task is to take the drawings I have done for each of the classes of Creep and create their armour and weaponry.

As always any feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!

P.S. Link to the Tower Defense game thread:


27 - The Secret Lab: Continued

Greetings all!

Work on the Secret Lab is going well. I have got most of the major forms nailed down for the room. The only major form remaining is the laser cannon.

Not counting the duplicated master instancing objects and the wires (which are not final) I am sitting at 1,373 / 5000. There is still room for tweaks however I am not sure yet how much the laser will eat up.

Below you will find two WIP renders; one with and one without the laser gears I've been working on this evening. Even though there is not much to see yet behind the gears I figured this would make viewing the scene a bit easier.

As always please let me know if you have any feedback as it is always welcome.

thank you for reading and enjoy!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

26 - The Secret Lab

Greetings all!

I have received my next assignment from Imagineer Games. This time I am to create the Secret Lab that exists under the Manor Interior that I have already created. (See blog post #20 - Mansion Interior).

Below you will find the original concept as provided to me along with my current progress.

As always your feedback is much appreciated.



Sunday, January 15, 2012

25 - 3D Training 2 - Train Harder

Greetings all. I have been quite busy with personal things this week but I have new progress to share.

Having completed the Low Poly pass for the TV Remote I did a test bake of the Normal Map for it.

The results are fairly good but I am not yet satisfied by the result.

See below for the Flat Render and Wireframe comparisons.

As always any comments or feedback are greatly appreciated.

Above you can see the wireframe for each pass. The High Poly pass is sitting at just under 4,200 polygons (with a TurboSmooth of 3 added for baking), while the final Low Poly is just 125 polys!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

24 - 3D Training

Back to the Future Basics!

I have been working on learning all I can from several tutorials and fellow artists to improve my skills.

First up I am learning more about proper Normal Mapping basics from my friend Warlock279. He is a freelance artist in Pennsylvania.

To begin we set forth a task for me to create simple household items and study their physical properties in order to better understand how to paint the various texture maps that mimic those properties.

My first model was a very simple light switch. Here you can see the model in both it's high poly and low poly state (with the resultant normal map bake applied). On the left is the high poly model at 4,800 polygons, and on the right we have the low poly (game ready) model at just 46 polygons!

Below you can see the wireframe of each model:

Next I will be working on creating the Light Switch's Diffuse and Specular maps.

After the Light Switch model is complete I will be moving on to a TV Remote model for which I have the high poly already complete. (See below)

Thank you for viewing and if you have any questions or comments I would greatly appreciate any feedback.
