Saturday, January 7, 2012

24 - 3D Training

Back to the Future Basics!

I have been working on learning all I can from several tutorials and fellow artists to improve my skills.

First up I am learning more about proper Normal Mapping basics from my friend Warlock279. He is a freelance artist in Pennsylvania.

To begin we set forth a task for me to create simple household items and study their physical properties in order to better understand how to paint the various texture maps that mimic those properties.

My first model was a very simple light switch. Here you can see the model in both it's high poly and low poly state (with the resultant normal map bake applied). On the left is the high poly model at 4,800 polygons, and on the right we have the low poly (game ready) model at just 46 polygons!

Below you can see the wireframe of each model:

Next I will be working on creating the Light Switch's Diffuse and Specular maps.

After the Light Switch model is complete I will be moving on to a TV Remote model for which I have the high poly already complete. (See below)

Thank you for viewing and if you have any questions or comments I would greatly appreciate any feedback.


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