Saturday, February 11, 2012

30 - The Secret Lab: Nearly Finished

Greetings all!

I spent a few hours last night pushing to get to the finish line on the Secret Lab scene. I am happy to tell you that I'm almost done! I have a very short list of very minor things left to do:

- fix camera position slightly (you can see along the left and top edge of the image there is a bit of the behind the scenes magic being revealed! That is a simple fix of moving the camera just a tad.

- top left wire connection (the vertical beam furthest to the left has a wire just sticking out of it. I need to bend that up and terminate it off camera. Again, a simple and very minor fix)

- wires (LP) (all the wires you see in the scene are made with an object called a Spline. A spline is a 3d line that normally does not show up at render time. What I have done is check the show in render button and given it some thickness to show where the wires will be. Now once the rest of the model is cleaned and finalized I will go back and model a sort of half cylinder shape that faces the camera to take the place of the splines as the final wire geometry

- cleaning (last but not least general model cleaning. This consists of checking the model carefully and any faces that will never be seen by the camera are deleted. All the lighting in the scenes of the game are baked in, meaning there is little to no dynamic light, so faces that would normally provide shadow detail are not necessary. Also during cleaning I check to make sure that an object will not move during the game. If an object moves then I need to find out how it moves and be sure not to delete any faces that could show later on. For example there is a hidden room in this scene and I need to make sure the object that moves out of the way to reveal this room has all it's faces intact.

So that's all for now. As usual please let me know what you think of my progress. All feedback is greatly appreciated.

I've had a lot of fun with this model and truth be told I'm a little sad to see it come to an end. I told the lead for ImagineerGames that I really liked the canon/laser thing and would consider doing a High Poly version if they needed or wanted it for promotional reasons.

Enjoy the render (which has been brightened up a bit for your viewing)


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