Monday, February 27, 2012

33 - Gioz Units Progress 1

Greetings all!

Today I have 3, count them, 3 WIPs to share with you. :)

I have been hard at work on the enemy units for the Gioz: The Defender tower defense game.

First up we have the Infantry unit. This is the weakest enemy of the bunch, the cannon fodder if you will. He has a standard armour layout of a helm, pauldrons, gloves, a belt, and boots.

Next we have a double render of the Infantry and the next most powerful unit, the Soldier. The Soldier has a horned helm with decorative pauldrons, slightly larger gloves, a front hanging tabard, and boots.

Finally we have a very early render of the Scout unit. This guy is all about speed. From his slicked back pointy hair, to his winged boots he is ready to sprint past your defenses. Bring him down fast! I have much still to do for this model and some to redo that is not working well yet.

As always your feedback is much appreciated.



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